Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Cat in the Hat part III

Today, we have another look at the Cat in the Hat.  As one can clearly see, the cat has major problems, like Robert Plant.  By the way, is the cat a boy or girl?  We may never know.

I think it's a teenage boy that will  hump one's leg or a door frame.  I'd keep the Cat in the Hat at least ten feet away.

Anyway, "my (grand) kids love that show!"

So what?  Fuck the children.  They'll find something else to do.

And everything it says rhymes, like the fucking Cat in the Hat is in a strange  musical.  We'll call it, 'Let's Terrorize These Kids With Inane, Rhyming Banter.'

Hey kids!
The Cat in the Hat is in the fucking house!
Luckily, I have a dead mouse in my hat!

Mid-sentence rhyme threw you off!
I just want to get off!
Is your leg available for humping?

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow
Don't be alarmed now!
Nothing rhymes with hedgerow!