Monday, November 10, 2014

Led Zeppelin vs. A Baked Potato

Today we examine that age old question: Which is better, the group Led Zeppelin or a baked potato?  In one corner are one of the founding members of the heavy metal genre and in the opposite corner is a potato. 

But first let's have a look at the most prized possession in the rock and roll hall of fame.  I'm writing, of course, about Jimmy Page's first banjo. 

This the instrument used in their early classic, 'I'm Tired of Sitting on This Porch, I'm Going Inside.'  This was when Jimmy Page wrote the lyrics.  He then decided that something was lacking so they hired an expert - a houseplant.

Mr. Page would write the music and then throw the song over the cubicle wall and the houseplant would add squealing and some inexplicable lyrics.  To illustrate the point, please consider the houseplant's lyrics on 'The Rover.'  The houseplant sings (like a loose alternator belt) about joining hands as though it's a big problem. 

"Hey you kids!  Stop holding hands!  Smoke all the pot you want, though."

But anyway, this was supposed to be about Led Zeppelin versus a baked potato in a fight to the death.  A clash of titans.  A war of something.  Other clichés!

I'm sad to say that we didn't get very far because we got hungry and ate the potato.  It was a little bland and we wanted to add some butter but we didn't have any.  To be totally fair we ate Led Zeppelin's album 'Houses of the Holy' but it wasn't very good.  We (our photographer Steve) cut his mouth when chewing on it and I had to take him to the emergency room. 



  1. This relationship isn't working for me. Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You.

  2. Robert Plant squeezed his lemon so hard once, the juice ran down his leg. I think he fell right out of bed too. That must have required immediate medical attention.
