Monday, March 23, 2015

37 Observations

A few random things that I've noticed.  Or, a few things that bug me to death.  Like Curious George and his incessant noises.  I can't be the only one who wants him to die a terrible death.

Here's a nice picture (I stole it) of a Kangaroo.  It hates Curious George too.

And now the list: (no particular order)
  1. The Super Readers should be tried in an international court for crimes against humanity and if found guilty (it'll be an easy win - especially the case against that little balloon head fuck in the green mask) should be put to death on an HBO PPV.
  2. The Wild Kratts.  They got kicked out of Canada, so now they terrorize America.  They don't deserve a trial.  We'll just hang them all at once.
  3. The entire PBS Kids lineup. 
  4. The number 37.  The world's most popular random number.  Let's give respect to the number 37.
  5. That record setting peanut butter cup.  5000 pounds of peanut butter.  Who gives a shit?  I think I'll harm myself with these plastic utensils.  That will show 'em!  Next up: utensils made from Kleenex.
  6. I'm growing tired of this post.  I really should be working on my next novel, 'Let's Kill John Denver.'
  7. Happiness is a mental disorder.
  8. They actually rarely eat on The Big Bang Theory, although they eat in just about every scene. They just poke at their food like an insane person.  Or maybe, they're looking for a very small Curious George.
  9. I don't care much for God's plan for me.  But what choice do I have?  I think he might be a sadist.