Thursday, September 25, 2014


I've been re-examining my usage of the following words and have come to some conclusions.  I've also asked my administrative assistant to put on her thinking cap (so no thoughts escape) and think really hard.  She is shown below thinking really hard.

Words I'm not using enough:  
amazing, epic, beyond, fuck, fucker, fuckface, fuckhead, incongruous, salacious, pernicious, cat, dog, water, administrative, assistant, raise, pencil

Words whose usage is just right:
cat, dog, water, administrative, assistant, raise, pencil

Words I'm using too much: 
the, a, and, or, not, I, Hitler, you, this, that, to, it, cat, dog, water, administrative, assistant, raise, pencil, Star, Spangled, Banner
So, as can see, benefitted greatly from evaluation.  Recommend everybody do same.  Now off lunch.

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