Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Perkins File - a book review

Today's book review is an ebook, called The Perkins File.

Here's a picture of the cover, which is stupid.  Luckily, you can read the first 20% for free.  This ensures that you don't waste too much of your mortally on this stupid novel.  It's about a cat who lives in a garbage dump.  I don't know for sure.  I didn't actually read much of it.  The battery in my tablet died halfway through the book. 

There's no prologue.  Apparently nobody ever told this guy that every novel must have a prologue.  I should know because I read so many books and they all have prologues.  This is where talented authors explain the motivations of the main characters, provide important details about the setting, and insert facts about the story which they inadvertently left out. 

Here's the middle of the book.  The author introduces yet another character - there must be two dozen - it's getting difficult to keep them straight.  At least five of them are named Robert-Billy, which really fucks with my suspension of disbelief.

This is the end of the book.  I don't know what happens.  I assume the Marty McFly character gets the space-time continuum back as it should be and gets the girl, but who gives a shit.  I give this novel 0.1 stars out of 5.  I don't recommend this book.  It's total rubbish. 

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