It stars Matt Damon as some guy who works for an evil corporation run by bald men. Ben Affleck has been killed by Minnie Driver and she's in a women's prison serving 20 years to life. After a lesbian, pillow fight scene that is completely incongruent, we jump to an expensive restaurant in a decadent big city. Matt has lunch with a bald man from the evil corporation, Global something or other. Global Amalgamated Diversified Holdings - a Textron ® company.
He explains much of the backstory, and orders a Lobster salad. It seems he's good at talking to these country fucks because of years of therapy from Robin Williams, among other things.
The taxi driver takes Matt to the corner of 3rd street and Indiana avenue, whereupon he meets a hooker, and we have another uncomfortable sex scene. It's very graphic, with Matt pulling a ball gag out of his carry-on, and the hooker beating Matt like the proverbial red headed step child. That's all I'm going to say.
Next, we meet the Frances McDormand character. She's in town investigating some malfeasance. She rented a 1990 Ford Explorer from some guy named Eddie. This part almost entirely killed my suspension of disbelief. I mean, these stopped being rentals, like, a hundred years ago. Like the Clint Eastwood character driving a 1965 Mustang Convertible in 'Trouble With the Curve.' More like, 'Trouble With Incontinence.'
Then we're introduced to the Titus Welliver character, who runs a sex shop. Matt attempts to pay for a dido with his corporate Amex card, Titus mumbles something about Deadwood, and angrily grabs the card.
Matt explains to this hayseed that Global will buy his family six months worth of frozen pizza dinners in exchange for his twenty acres. The hayseed agrees to the deal.
Matt then has lunch with another bald man. This man is particularly corrupt. He sells out for a years worth of Snickers bars.
Matt gets drunk and picks up this chick. Another weird sex scene follows. Let's just say the audience was mortified.
Next we get the sanctimonious Hal Holbrook character. He explains that he's a high school teacher. Yeah sure, geriatric teachers. That's it for me. I stopped watching after that little gem.
I turned to Univision. I don't understand Spanish, and that's fine by me. It looked like they were having a Karaoke competition.