Sunday, December 14, 2014

Exclamation Point

Let's examine the exclamation point, shall we?  It's the Ranch dressing of the punctuation world.  It's like croutons on a salad.

It livens up any bland statement.  Please see the following for some real world examples of statement livening.

"The jury found the teen guilty.  They sentenced him to death."

Pretty drab.  Now see what happens when we add an exclamation point. 

"The jury found the teen guilty.  They sentenced him to death!"

Other examples of an exclamation point bringing a sentence to life:

"The plane crash killed everybody on board!"

"I have a sexually transmitted disease!"

It can also be used to show sarcasm. 

"Your new haircut is nifty!"

"This potato salad is really good!"

The versatility of the exclamation point is almost as good as this bottle of vodka.  Feeling blue?  Let's add an exclamation point to your sentences!  Still feeling down?  Have a glass of vodka.

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