Saturday, December 6, 2014

Gold Rush S05E08 - a review

Today we examine Discovery Channel's show, Gold Rush.  Just like we did last week, we'll offer up an invasive account of Todd Hoffman's trip to the supermarket.  Will he get the store-brand frozen pizza or will he get a DiGiorno?  Will he wait until he gets to the car or to pop open that can of Pringles or will he eat them before the commercial?  At any rate, this is the eighth installment of our series, entitled, 'The Joke Is On Me.'

Parker and his crew discuss moving their gold mining operation to the end of this rainbow.

A Hoffman crew member arms the siren on their pile of shit. 

Scrappers attempt to steal Tony Beets' pile of shit.

"I can't believe they took my ******* pile of shit."

"... did they get the whole frigging pile of shit?"


  1. You forgot the mechanic guy that died and they did the really shitty tribute. I though it was old man Fred that died, for a hot minute.

  2. Yes, he gets to spend all of eternity changing the baby Jesus' diaper.
