Friday, October 24, 2014

Gold Rush S05E02 - a review

Today we review Discovery channel's TV show - Gold Rush.  This is the second installment of our never ending series, entitled, 'Why Do I Watch This Shit?'

Everybody is apparently unconcerned about the dog that Parker ran over and killed.

Tony Beets takes his new crane for a test drive.  He runs over and kills a dog.  "What's a ******* dog doing up here in ******* Alaska?"

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

"What was that, Dad?"

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away is a type of idiom in the English language meaning that maintaining regular, healthy habits helps to prevent illness. Unlike many sayings, this phrase can be interpreted literally in some cases. Apples are one of the healthiest foods available and their regular consumption is linked to a reduced risk of a variety of illnesses. It is thought that the idiom originated in Wales during the 1860s, but, in Rustic Speech and Folk-lore, Elizabeth Wright first used the modern version of the phrase in 1913, which added to its fame. It was then widely circulated throughout the century and still remains popular."

"I'm taking my grandfather's last $100 and starting a band.  Fuck this digging in the dirt shit.  I'm going to sing and play guitar.  We're still looking for a drummer."

"Heavenly father, we ask that you bless this hole with lots of apples.  And when you get a minute can you have a look at my cataracts?"

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